How technology can help combat payroll fraud in Africa
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners says that more than 25% of companies experience payroll fraud, with smaller businesses facing double the risk compared to larger organisations. Sometimes, it’s simply a case of human error, but it’s more often than not instigated by opportunistic and dishonest payroll administrators. A 2016 PwC survey shows that 69% of South African companies have suffered at the hands of both internal and external perpetrators, with 28% reporting fraudulent HR activities such as the falsification of employee benefits and the miscalculation of payroll expenses. The rest of the continent is just as susceptible to payroll fraud and local governments are common victims. The General Auditing Commission (GAC) in Liberia recently discovered that over LD$15m ($163,000) worth of national funds was lost to payroll fraud. An estimated LD$3m went towards salaries paid to presidential appointees who were no longer in the government’s employ. The payrol...